Uit my hart wil ek dankie sê vir Macadamia Care in Witrivier, en al die personeel wat my kosbare Mamma vir 8 jaar en 6 maande versorg het – met soveel liefde. My Mamma was vir meer as 5 jaar bed-lêend gewees en daar was nie een drukseer op haar lyfie nie. Alle lof aan die personeel vir hulle puik versorging. Elke suster, stafverpleegster en versorger asook die skoonmakers, washuispersoneel en kombuispersoneel, dankie, dankie, dankie. Paul Lagerway dankie vir jou insette en hulp die afgelope jare, dit het vir my soveel beteken en dit het ook gehelp met die besluite wat ek moes neem rakende my Mamma se versorging. Rolleen vir jou het ek net respek oor hoe jy die administrasie hanteer en heelwat ballonne in die lug moet hou. Dankie Sister Kathy dat ek die laaste 24 uur van my moeder se aardse lewe by haar kon wees en haar kon begelei tot by die hemelpoorte waar ons Hemelse Vader haar met ope arms ontvang het. Dankie Kathy ook vir jou ondersteuning en reelings toe Mamma heengegaan het. Dalene, vir jou ondersteuning en hulp vandag toe ons Mamma se kamer ontruim het. Almal is vir my soos familie by Witrivier se Mac Care en elkeen het ‘n spesiale plekkie in my hart. Steeds gaan ek vir julle bid en ek seen julle werk en versorging vorentoe.
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank Macadamia Care White River and all the staff who took care of my precious mother for 8 years and 6 months with so much love. My mother had been bed-ridden for more than 5 years and there wasn’t one pressure sore on her body. All praise to the staff for their excellent care. Every Sister, staff nurse and caregiver as well as the cleaners, laundry staff and kitchen staff, thank you, thank you, thank you. Paul Lagerway thanks for your input and help in recent years, it has meant so much to me and it has also helped with the decisions I have had to make regarding my Mommy’s care. Rolleen for you I have the world’s respect for how you handle the administration and keep a lot of balloons in the air. Thank you Sister Kathy for being with her for the last 24 hours of my mother’s earthly life and being able to escort her to the gates of heaven where our Heavenly Father received her with open arms. Thank you Kathy for your support and arrangements when Mom went. Dalene – for your support and help today as our mom’s room was cleared. Everyone is like family to me at Macadamia Care White River and everyone has a special place in my heart. I’m still going to pray for you and bless your work and care going forward.
Marinda Olivier