Susan Frybort is an American-born poet with a deep fascination for life and the human experience. Writing since she was a child, her poems are a tapestry of wisdom and compassion that soften the heart’s edges, calling us home. Although she is a first time author, one gets the feeling that she has been writing poetry for lifetimes.
Susan writes:
Kindness chose
not to belittle,
be indifferent
or be cruel,
but was found in the
tender curves of a smile.
In the softened tones
of expression.
In the hand that reaches
deep or extends itself
to care, without expecting
anything in return.

When the world feels harsh,
there is a lush green spot in
the middle of a parched desert.
Kindness is an oasis
where the faint of heart
can be renewed and
where the merest
trickle of grace will
allay the suffering.

So, let kindness be
your daily ritual.
Let it flow from
the wellspring
of your heart.”